fashion design meaning

The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines fashion as a tradition or dominant style. Fashion design is the process of transforming an envisioned creative style into wearable clothing and accessories. Clothing (also known as clothes, robes, or dresses) in its simplest definition, is a covering for the body, usually made of a type of cloth. As for accessories, they are items that complement clothing, and are either for decoration only (such as jewelry), or they have a utility ( such as a watch), or a necessity in daily life (such as a shoe). The most common forms of accessories include: handbags, shoes, gloves, scarves, hats, belts, hosiery (including stockings, stockings, leg warmers, and tights), jewelry (including earrings, chains, wrist, arm, and ankle bracelets, rings, piercings, watches), sunglasses, brooches, brooches, ties, bow ties, suspenders.

The fashion industry is divided into five major markets on the basis of price: haute couture, designer label, mid-priced high-end, low-priced high-end, and popular. However, there are additional markets that are just as important to know, including made-to-order, tailor-made, trendy, second-rate, private label and discount clothing. The following sections provide an account and explanation of all the markets in the fashion industry, from highest price to lowest price.

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